I met my friend Emma the summer before my senior year of high school. We were both attending an intensive theatre program at a college in upstate NY. She was my favorite person there from day one. Nine years later I don't remember a single thing I learned in those three weeks (including the names of any of the other participants) but Emma remains one of my absolute favorite people.
When I met up with Emma in April for one of our typical theatre and sushi outings, and broke the news about my big move, I wasn't surprised at all when the first words out of her mouth were "I'm coming to visit".
Exploring the Lalbagh Gardens in Bangalore with Emma and her Mom. They made a weekend stop in Bangalore and then went on to explore more of India. |
Amazing tree. |
The staff at the gardens are working hard to prepare the plantings for a big festival in mid-August. |
The Glass House, behind us, was built in 1890 to resemble the Crystal Palace in London. Twice a year, for major festivals, the structure is completely filled with a multi-level, carefully curated flower display. |
My face looks like that because I had to take my shoes off, and the floor of the open air temple was gross. (It was still worth it.) |
My favorite part of the day was the gardens behind the Bull Temple. It was completely green and lush, unlike any other part of the city I've seen to-date. But the coolest part was that every single one of the trees was FILLED with giant sleeping bats. |
I remember you AND Emma from Oswego that summer and even though the connection is fuzzy 9 years later, I'm enjoying following your adventure! Your sense of humor and fun are what I remember most of you and I'm glad to see growing up hasn't changed that. :-)